Could someone help/advise on a malware finding on my website?

Could someone help/advise on a malware finding on my website? Threatview classifies it as a 5 so not urgent as a 10 but obviously want to get it removed

What is the malware finding?

Yes sorry, the malware finding is: ‘Malware loader and injector code leveraging JQuery’s getScript()’

It says: ‘This finding is not related to payment card harvesting malware itself, but rather code normally used to load card harvesting malware into a web page’

Okay so you should probably replace the script with a clean version and make sure you change all your passwords on everything as well.
I’m pretty sure Foregenix can help you with advice on malware removal as well though, you might not need to replace the script - I think it was on a previous question, I’ll have a look and link it if it’s there.

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Yeah, here it is:
They can advise for this specific malware removal as they’ll see all the same details as you.

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Right! Okay, I best get messaging them